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Dutch insurance cooperative Achmea is the parent company of brands like Centraal Beheer, Interpolis, and Zilveren Kruis. With a total of 10.2 million policyholders, Achmea is the largest insurance company in the Netherlands. A fixture in Dutch society for – and because of – its customers ever since its establishment in 1811, Achmea has made sure generations of people can keep living their lives when it matters most.
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Sander Zandbergen and his team are responsible for Achmea's entire archive environment, which runs on a multitude of servers with OpenText Archive Center and Content Server. Monitoring these different servers is quite a time-consuming task. “We used various OpenText tools such as Content Server Informant, Monitoring Agent, and Performance Analyzer. While these tools essentially served their purpose, Fuse offers a lot more value compared to separate tools, making it more consistent and straightforward,” according to Sander.

“The people at OpenText first introduced us to FUSE as a product, which tcf. then successfully purchased and implemented. The advantage of working with tcf.: a more direct line of communications than we would have had with OpenText itself.”

Sander continues: “VILT provided a demo of their SolEx (Solution Extension) Fuse that highlighted its potential and our need of the product, and we were very excited about it.” According to senior infrastructure specialists Armand Frèrejean and Rogier van Kerkhof, a strict requirement was that Achmea's IT team could replace the current monitoring system and then phase it out.

A significant advantage Fuse offers is that you don't need to log in to the servers themselves as frequently, since the Fuse interface can be accessed via a web browser. Fuse is very user-friendly; you can quickly identify where a problem occurs and take action. The dashboard alerts you to errors and you can receive push notifications about these alerts via email. You can even use their time machine functionality to go back in time and determine what went wrong when. Achmea enterprise architect Erik Gordebeke mentioned, “Fuse is a solution with a centralized and clear dashboard.”

Since Achmea 's servers are hosted in the cloud, the servers and Fuse are available from any location with internet access.

The short and intensive collaboration with tcf. was crucial, Achmea specialists Sander Zandbergen, Erik Gordebeke, Armand Frèrejean, and Rogier van Kerkhof say. “After the implementation, we immediately organized a feedback session to openly share our findings and challenges. The first improvement proposals from Achmea's side were promptly incorporated into the product, and we tackled problems and challenges together. tcf. walk the talk, and FUSE meets all our expectations.”

Arno Jellema from tcf. mentioned: "This implementation is an example of our successful ecosystem. Working with our partners, we can execute and complete projects quickly and professionally, so our customers benefit from the best solutions regarding Customer eXperience, xECM, and Vendor Invoice Management."

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