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Is this the right time to RISE with SAP? 

For those following the news about business applications: 2027 marks a pivotal year. That’s when SAP will cease support for SAP ERP Central Component, better known as SAP ECC. Customers are gently but firmly being directed toward RISE with SAP. Now is the time to consider moving your ERP solution to the cloud.

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Facturatie met AI

Automating invoice processing: the power of AI 

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, and its influence extends to smart invoice processing software. Can financial professionals soon ‘Netflix and chill’ while OpenText's Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) handles their tasks?

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Achmea case

Facing challenges together

Achmea is the cooperative parent company of brands such as Centraal Beheer, Interpolis and Zilveren Kruis. With 10.2 million customers, it is the largest insurance

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