It’s the nightmare of many financial directors: an implementation consultant who visits the office for a couple of weeks to help implement or upgrade an ERP package... and is still around years later. Decision makers crave an alternative.
ERP implementations and the framework issue
It’s not “just bad luck” that makes software projects take so much longer than was hoped for (and was promised). There are quite a few implementation partners on the market that deliberately incorporate a lock-in. They offer SAP and OpenText solutions in their frameworks, which create dependencies by injecting their own code. In other words: if you want to upgrade or move to the cloud, you'll always have to work with them. Is it a coincidence that these types of implementation partners take so long to complete their projects?
De oplossing is simpel: breek met partners die je in hun kostbare greep krijgen en kies voor vrijheid! Dat is precies waarmee wij u helpen: we zetten uw systeem helemaal terug naar de ‘fabrieksinstellingen’, zodat u klaar bent voor een upgrade of een transformatie naar de cloud.
Our ERP implementation plan in 4 steps
Think of our service as a car wash for code. Our cleaning team follows these steps:
- Customer intake We sit down with you: what is the current situation and where do you want to go? So which processes do you want to optimize and which software is required to achieve this?
- Process optimization We talk to the people “in the trenches” and map out the processes (for example: “I'm buying screws from X, so I want a delivery note from Y and then the invoice must be made payable automatically”). We implement these processes in the software as smartly and efficiently as possible. Saving FTEs is often a nice by-catch of this process optimization.
- A closer look at the environment Our technical specialists get stuck into the server room: first we ensure that all environments (acceptance, test, etc.) are identical. We then map out customization (solution extensions) and further deviations (for example, code that is processed by another server).
- Code through the car wash We replace all deviating code with standard SAP/OpenText code, with the functionality it should have.
The result of this major cleaning operation? You now have a standard environment that you can use as you wish. You are ready for any upgrade, like adding Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) or a move to RISE with SAP. If you still need our help at that point, we’d be happy to lend a hand. If you want to work with another company, no hard feelings.