Be in control

Author name: NickLit


SAP + invoice processing software: find the perfect match 

Automating the way incoming invoices are handled saves organizations a significant amount of time and, consequently, money. Take the next step and integrate the automatic invoice processing solution with your ERP software – which, for many large organizations, is still SAP. But which invoice processing solution aligns best with SAP? In this article, we explore the ideal match!

SAP + invoice processing software: find the perfect match  Read More »

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OpenText SAP VIM consultant 

Wij zijn op zoek naar een ervaren OpenText SAP Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) consultant. Het doel van de functie is het leveren van uitstekende business support en business analyse. De functie vraagt ervaring met testen en goede projectmanagement-vaardigheden. We zoeken een zelfstarter die in staat is om onafhankelijk te werken met supervisie op afstand. 

OpenText SAP VIM consultant  Read More »

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Nationale Nederlanden

When Dutch insurance provider Nationale Nederlanden introduced new savings accounts products, they developed a completely new banking application that required modern document output. Forty new, complex documents were involved in making this application run smoothly. The result? Customers now receive instant confirmation, and transaction speed has increased significantly.

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DSW is a Dutch health insurance provider with over 600,000 policyholders. Their slogan “good for you” indicates that they provide everyone with accessible, affordable and high-quality healthcare.

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Achmea logo


Dutch insurance cooperative Achmea is the parent company of brands like Centraal Beheer, Interpolis, and Zilveren Kruis. With a total of 10.2 million policyholders, Achmea is the largest insurance company in the Netherlands. A fixture in Dutch society for – and because of – its customers ever since its establishment in 1811, Achmea has made sure generations of people can keep living their lives when it matters most.

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Hans Anders logo

Hans Anders

The optometrist brand Hans Anders is part of the Hans Anders Retail Group, and has more than 400 stores in the Netherlands and Belgium. Additionally, through the acquisition of competitor eyes+ more in 2018, they have another 170 stores in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria. In Sweden, the group operates under the brand name Direkt Optik, with 40 stores. With the slogan 'Dat maakt Hans Anders,' [clever wordplay that can either mean ‘that sets Hans apart or ‘that defines Hans Anders’] they aim to make good hearing and sight affordable – and thereby, accessible – to everyone.

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